What do you get when you stick thirty-six New York State brewers, hundreds of aficionados and one six foot plus guy in lederhosen in a Catskills ski resort fresh out of snow? The TAP-NY Craft Beer festival, of course.
Fire Island Beer made its first appearance at TAP, and we settled on in with a bang. For two days, we poured for a line of fans that never waned. And poured. And poured. 62 gallons of Lighthouse Ale and Red Wagon IPA, to be precise. At three ounces a pour, that translates to roughly 2,600 glasses of Fire Island Beer’s finest.
We were having so much fun we quickly forgot our booth was within smelling distance of the guys hawking seafood jerkey. What? Yes, that really exists.
Festival goers didn’t just guzzle up our brews, our swag was flying off the shelves. Were you there? Did we meet you? Miss out and have a hankering for a tshirt all your own? Pick one up here so you’ll fit in at the next event!