Sunday, August 30, 2009

Why You Should Hide Your Kid’s Hannah Montana Videos from Your Over-Curious Cousin

What does Hannah Montana have in common with Fire Island?

Apparently a music video starring some of the Fire Island’s boys of summer. Using the Miley Cyrus/Hannah Montana track “Party in the USA” a group of local men filmed themselves lip-sinking to the teeny-bopper’s tunes while dancing on the beach.

So what’s Miley Cyrus’ reaction to the video? Well, if you believe her “tweet” to Perez Hilton, she’s apparently “obsessed” with the video!

To see the clip, and develop your own “obsession,” check out the link below.
(Despite popular belief, over-consumption of Fire Island Lighthouse Ale had absolutely nothing to do with the production of this clip--but it might have helped!)

1 comment:

  1. Apparently the big wigs at Disney approve!
